September meeting recap

Last meeting was awesome as always, we had some good demos and new faces which is always great. Ngharo started it off going around the room and asking ppl what they hacked last month and what they plan to hack next.

I gave my fakeAP demo to get credit card numbers or sniff traffic. The CC part failed :/ but the sniff part worked like a charm!! Then dw5304 gave a demo titled “Cable hacking for fun” and talked about how to get online anonymously with cable modems, getting almost unlimited bandwidth, modem cloning and lots more. Faraday came packing with some lithium ion batteries and big ass LEDs he gave out “to make flash lights out of” and stuff for making your capacitors which is always fun.

Then I spent the rest of the night drinking beer and yelling in to a ham radio, so I didn’t take any pictures. Congrats to uberushaximus for winning the dc414 free junk giveaway!

Here is a link to the github fakeAP pwnage project, it only works with Backtrack 5 and could use some improvement.

Here is the slides to dw5304’s Cable hacking for fun:!375&authkey=!AF56QcP0xP4Ofco

One thought on “September meeting recap

  1. “Then I spent the rest of the night drinking beer and yelling in to a ham radio, so I didn’t take any pictures. ”


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