February meeting awesomeness and sadness

February was another great meeting. It started with me and ngharo running late then doing the introductions, which there was a lot of. Its always good to see new faces at meetings. Then I broke the sad news that I will be leaving Wisconsin and so dc414 as well, appointed ngharo as new prez and stepped down. Then ngharo said a few words and gave us a glimpse of some of the changes he will be making. Everyone be sure to congratulate ngharo, I can’t wait to see what he does with the place.

Rob started the demos off with hacking a used disposable flash camera and a halogen light bulb to make a handy improvised flash light. I perfect zombie apocalypse type hack. Then he busted out materials for everyone to make their own zombie caution light. It did’t take long for people to start hacking it up even more and did all kinds of crazy things. Vlad was the first to turn things up to 10 by doing something to the transformer in the camera to pump out more voltage and get a brighter light. Then dw5304 and others did their best to blow the capacitors and other things up! Then using the flash bulb that came with the camera and capacitors over 9000 we tried to do some UV tattooing. Next up was Klaiviel doing a key impressioning demo for the newbies in the crowd. Here are some photos of the meeting.

So here it is, my last post on dc414. It has been a fun ride and I will miss everyone. You can still find me on the dc414 irc chan and I will be at meetings via G+ or what ever ngharo sets up for the group. See you out there.


A call for help!

Hey everyone, I need some help getting the word out for the know your rights event. If anyone in MKE can spare some time to pin up a few flyers please let me know. Anyone who helps out will get a free dc414 shirt. Some places I would like to see hit up are FUEL Cafe and Brewing Grounds For Change and any place like them. As well as other cafes and colleges and just anywhere you think is a good place to put flyers. So if you can help out drop me a line at anarchy@new.dc414.org Thank you.

Having fun with my Ham

I recently got a radio that I have been playing around with but there isn’t much for traffic in my area and while I can receive a few repeaters I can not transmit to them so I quickly got board and started looking for other things I can do with it.

Thats when I remembered some 2 way radios my brother got me a while back for hunting and such. I knew it had 3 channels but I had no idea what frequency they used or if it fell in the range of my new toy. Not knowing much about the 2 ways I did find a FCC ID on the back of each hand held.

After doing a quick search on the FCC ID I was delighted to see the 2 way radios operated in my toys range 🙂 So I punched the frequency in my ham radio as fast as I could, turned on the 2 way and started transmitting on my ham. I was over joyed to here my sexy voice loud and clear on the 2 way 😀

Now this is nothing new. Its not even hacking, but it sure feels like it. It was fun going from not knowing anything about it to making it work. So that was my first little adventure with radio, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Upload your own XSS

A few meetings ago i gave a demo on uploading a flash file to file hosting sites that contains a evil XSS payload. Here is my write up on it.

A while back I was doing a penetration test on a friends file hosting service application. His service allowed the uploading of flash files and when you viewed the files detail page it showed you a preview of the flash movie. At the time I knew you could use actionscript to put javascript in a flash file but I was not sure if it would have full access to the DOM and allow us to do evil stuff.

I started messing around in actionscript and came up with this:

After compiling it and uploading, when viewing the preview page I was greeted with a prompt box that had the contents of my cookie for that domain and it was displayed in text with in the flash embed! So, just like that we are able to manufacture a XSS vulnerability on a application that is otherwise secure.

There is some protection for this attack. When you embed a flash file in a web page that you don’t trust you should add the allowScriptAccess param and set it to none. However this can be bypassed easily, just go to the swf file itself and it will still execute the javascript supplied by our swf file. This means to be fully protected you will also need to use a modrewrite rule to force a download when ever someone tries to view a swf file directly.

Here is one example – http://www.ziddu.com/viewfile/22413513/xss.swf.html

Here is another – http://swfchan.org/2335/xss.swf

June Meeting Recap

Thanks to all that attended the June meeting.  Lot’s of interesting discussion and demos as usual.

Some highlights were Klaiviel giving an in-depth look at the state of 3D printing with a focus on weapons and some of the issues surrounding it.

We later headed for the roof of Bucketworks to learn about DirectTV hardware installations and some of the tools the pros use.  We got to learn about different satellites  and had some really good discussions while the ISS zipped past brightly in the night sky.  Thanks Darkwind.

dw5304 took over next and showed off some 40Gb Ethernet gear along with a demo.  We also had fun exploiting some really awful security of a customer management portal that dw5304 stumbled upon.

edgewalker was one of the lucky contestants to win the Free Junk Giveaway.  Enjoy the LetterPerfect software on your IBM/DOS compatible PC! 

Some pictures courtesy of our beloved overlord, AnarchyAngel.

Getting IP addresses from contacts on Skype as told by Noize.

Skype is an extremely popular, proprietary, cross-platform, peer-to-peer Voice-over-IP software client written by Skype Communications SARL, which is now owned by Microsoft Corporation. Due to its peer-to-peer always-on nature it is possible for a researcher to determine characteristics about a target computer, without the user’s knowledge. This can be leveraged to obtain information like the IP address of a target computer.

This is an Educational Guide only; use knowledge at your own risk! and always “the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear”.


  • Your IP address

Skype Setup

  1. Head into Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Connection
  2. Uncheck the checkbox labeled: “Use port 80 and 443 as alternative for incoming connections.”
  3. Use port 1210 for incoming connections.  Located right about the checkbox from step 2
    The reason for using this port is because it’s a unassigned tcp/udp port so we will not be DoSing a port, or cause other issues.

Wireshark Setup

  1. Open wireshark and start watching your incoming and outgoing traffic.
    Sniff the interface you will be using Skype on
  2. Create a filter like this
    ip.src == $your_ip_address and udp.srcport == 1210

Capture IP

  1. Start a call to a person, online or offline
  2. Watch wireshark and it will start to give you outgoing and incoming connections
  3. Once you have an outgoing IP that is consistent to the incoming IP, you have found it.

Happy Hacking!

Many thanks to Noize for writing this up and allowing us to share it.